Through these Blog posts I will explain various setups and user scenarios, and go more into details with the functions and benefits of the products.
In Modular Intercom 1 I did talk about different ways headsets can be integrated in an iriSound Intelligent Intercom Solution.
In Modular Intercom 2 I will talk about adding external radios to the system.
Being able to hear and respond to external communication via your onboard radios (marine VHF, UHF, Tetra System, Police radio etc) is equally important as being able to effortlessly communicate with your fellow crew-members. Our programmable and intelligent radio interface unit enables full audio integration of one or more external radios. All it requires is that the radio unit is equipped with an external audio interface. On request, we can provide a list of recommended marine VHF and Tetra radios, but most common radios are
Icom series 400, 500, 600
Raymarine Ray60, Ray70
Motorola MTM800, MTM5400,
Garmin 210, 215, 217 series
Sailor 62XX series
Sepura SRG3900
Harris various models
Thales various models
In the schematic below 2 radios are implemented through the IWCS Radio Interface
The IWCS Radio Interface is an intelligent interface and can be configured to any radio, whether it has PPT to Ground or VCC or even via Hook Switch.
The speaker signal can be anything from a 1.5 V Line Out to an amplified speaker output. Both RX and TX volumes are adjusted locally, to align the volume of the intercom.
When a radio becomes a part of an intercom solution, the radio can be activated from various positions. A large rugged PTT can be connected directly into the Radio Interface for activation close to the radio. But also from iriSelect, wireless headsets and headset interfaces… and of course still at the original fist mic.
Watch out for Modular Intercom 3, where I will explain the functions and benefits of iriSelect