Today IWCS releases our brand new product named iriStore.
iriStore is a audio recording device interfaced directly into the iriSound Intercom system. iriStore is connected to iriSound through our standard Data cable, and can be plugged into any available audio port or AUX port on iriSound.
“Unlinited” recordings – iriStore records audio on a USB Flash, and can handle up to 32GB Flash. At a 48KHz sampling, which is HiFi quality, a 32 GB Flash will provide 220 hours audio recording.
iriStore is very simple to use. It is powered directly from iriSound through the IWCS Data cable. iriStore is automatically powered up when the iriSound Intercom system is ON. Then simply insert a formatted USB Flash Card and press RECORD on iriStore. A red LED will indicate that recording has begun. Recording can be paused/stopped at any time. All recordings will be saved on the USB Flash as MP3 files, and can be saved / played form your desktop.
Use your recordings for Evaluation, Documentation and Education.
MP3: Supports 8K-48KHZ, 8-320Kbps
USB Port USB2.0
Rated Current 20-250MA(with load)
Operating Temp. -40-85℃